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Showing posts from February, 2014

Chris Brown has some screws loose. Surprised?

Chris Brown has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, severe insomnia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to new court documents. Mr. Brown was in court today for a "progress hearing" in the 'beat the shit out of Rihanna case.' The documents that claimed his diagnosis were filed by the facility where Chris Breezy completed 90+ days of anger management therapy. "In the legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- an official from the rehab facility wrote that ... in addition to his diagnosis ... Chris was self-medicating inappropriately." "The facility writes, "Mr. Brown became aggressive and acted out physically due to his untreated mental health disorder, severe sleep deprivation, inappropriate self-medicating and untreated PTSD." They never explain the cause of the PTSD. The letter also says Chris was diagnosed with Bipolar II." The letter says Chris is on meds for the bipolar and other conditions."-TMZ Really? S...

Kim Kardashian, Stop Playin'!

Kim Kardashian before butt implants .. Kim Kardashian after butt implants .. I don't know how else your ass could GROW LIKE THAT?!?

The HodgeTwin's reaction to Michael Sam's Boner!

The Hodge Twins share their opinions about the recent "Boner" Michael Sam had at the NFL Combine earlier this week. Call it whatever you want to call it, next time tape that shit down on your thigh.  Seriously. 

Jeremy Bieber is leaving his Baby's Momma! (Justin Bieber)

Is anyone surprised?  Is anyone surprised this guy (Jeremy Bieber) is calling it quits with his wife of seven years to go smoke weed and party  take care of his son, Justin?  Of course you're not.  I'm not either.  Think about it, you can travel the world and fuck random girls  see the world while your seed is growing. It's a win win for both of them.  Obviously Jeremy is a 18 year old living in a 39 year old's body.   Glad to see he's taking responsibility, looking over his son and helping him make right decisions in life. You go Jeremy Bieber.

Justin Timberlake cancelled his show. Is this why?

Justin Timberlake cancelled his NYC show last night due to "health problems."   Here's what he said: "Hey NY. There is never an easy way to do this... Unfortunately, I have to postpone tonight's show to Friday due to health reasons.  I am truly sorry to everyone that have tickets for tonight. It kills me to have to do this. I hope to see you all on Friday. --JT"  But it could be for other reasons?  Other reasons that have been rumored about before?  Pregnancy rumors and troubles between him and his wife, Jessica Biel.  His own Grandma has even gone on record stating the two needed time together and their marriage is 'hard going.' Time will only tell if he really did have "health problems" or there is a breakup coming in the near future!

Kate Upton is still in SI Swimsuit Edition?!

Alright fellas, ladies and lesbians.  Take away every image stuck in your brain of Kate Upton's boobs.  Forget every slow motion video you've ever seen of Kate Upton dancing or walking down the cat walk.  What do we have left? This.  This is what we have left.  This face.  Now, do you still think she's hot?  Does she still stay in the spank bank?  I don't think so.  Not at all.   I'd rather rub one off looking at vegetables.  

Farrah Abraham Lie Detector Test Update!

So remember my last post about this?  Where Farrah Abraham was offered $1 Million by the CEO of Vivid ( The company that made her porno) to take a lie detector test regarding her claims she was drugged and rape?  Well has learned Miss Abraham has declined the $1 Million offer and instead will continue to make other claims to whatever radio/TV station that will put a camera in her face. Is anyone surprised she passed on the lie detector test? You know, the test that show if you're LYING or not?  Good Luck, Farrah.  In a few months you won't be mentioned anywhere.  That is unless, you make yet another porn!  Who the f*ck wants to see those roast beef lips again? Not me.

Hey, it's Hillary Duff!

Hillary Duff was spotted doing something somewhere the other day showing off her Kardashian like butt!  Yay!  I wonder if her next boyfriend will be black?

Terrell Suggs is very ugly and he can speak Hebrew!

Terrell Suggs has got to be the ugliest athlete known to man.

George Zimmerman has a Bounty on his Head!

George, his girlfriend and her children quickly left the beach in Miami after someone spotted them and said there was a bounty on George's head!  That scared George enough to pack up and head back to his hotel. They went back to their hotel, where security guards stayed outside their doors until the next day.  The next morning George did his interview with CNN and got out of Miami quicker than a slave escaping a cotton field.  Apparently the bounty is true, there's a video from the Black Panthers: Good Luck, George.

Miley Cyrus Puts Dirty Thong in her mouth!

Miley Cyrus performing at the Tacoma Dome for the Bangerz Tour February 16th, 2014. No comment.

Farrah Abraham offered $1 Million to take a lie detector test!

Steve Hirsch calls Farrah Abraham's claims foolish!  Farrah claims she was drugged and rapped during her promotional tour for her first sex tape, "Back Door Teen Mom."  Steve Hirsch (The CEO of Vivid) has put the offer on the table and now it's time for Farrah to respond or shut up with the allegations! See Steve Hirsch make the offer HERE . [VIA:FishWrapped] It's simple, if she's telling the truth, the lie detector test should be a breeze, right?

Lil Kim will be on Maury Povich!

After showing off her baby bump of course the first question you ask is, who is the baby's daddy?!  According to Twitter, no name, no hit rapper by the name of "Mr.Papers" is the father.  After getting tweeted from thousands of people, it was safe to say he was the father.  Now it's being said that Floyd Mayweather might be the daddy!  Lil Kim and Floyd were dating last September. So, who's the daddy?! Floyd Mayweather, you are ___ the father! Fill in the blank with Maury Povich saying it.

The "truth" behind Justin Bieber gay kiss pic

Back in August 2013, this twitpic put Beliebers in a frenzy!  Well, it turns out the guy in the pic is a Justin Bieber look alike and his name is Rob Miller. Big deal, I know.  But, get this guy some fake tattoos and he could do a lot of damage to the Biebs.  It would be halirous.

Drake Disses Macklemore about Grammy Award!

Drake tells Rolling Stone in the new issue hitting stands tomorrow: “That s–t was wack as f–k.  It felt cheap. It didn’t feel genuine.  Take Your W, and if you feel you don’t deserve it, go get better — make better music.” I agree with Drake in this post .  This really made Macklemore seem softer than Charmin.

Sharknado 2!!!

Did you see the first Sharknado? Wasn't is just f*cking awesome?!  Well, since it was the most amazing movie ever made with the hottest celebrities ever, they are making SHARKNADO 2!  How awesome is this?  How awesome is that we are given a sequel to the greatest movie ever made?  I can not wait. Right. Here are the very talented actors that have been chosen and their role: Vivvica A. Fox will play Fin’s old high school friend, Skye. Mark McGrath will play Fin’s brother-in-law. Kelly Osbourne will play the flight attendant. Andy Dick will play the police officer. Judah Friedlander is set to play Brian. Judd Hirsch plays the taxi driver, naturally. It's exciting, I know.

Rob Kardashian is Obese.

Rob Kardashian is fat.  Overweight.  Obese.   Rob was recently spotted in L.A. heading to a meeting after "hitting the gym" on Jan. 27th.  Define "hitting the gym."  Rob covered in huge body mass in a black sweatshirt and "black workout pants." Rob tells Us Magazine, "I still have to lose like 40 to 50 pounds believe it or not.  Six months I should be there."  Said Rob back in May 2013.  A source tells Us Magazine, "Rob is really depreseed.  He's not as close with his family right now, and he won't answer a lot of texts and calls from friends.  Rob has a trainer, but rarely shows up for the sessions." At this rate, Rob will be the first celebrity to be shown on TLC's "My 600lb Life."

Lil Kim is Pregnant?!

[Photo:SPLASHNEWS] Lil Kim is pregnant.  Go grab a brown bag and think about that for a minute.  She was seen at NYFW showing off her baby bump.  Who in their sick mind would take Lil Kim to Pound Town? Barf.  

Michael Sam, the truth waits.

Michael Sam is gay. Michael Sam is black. Michael Sam wants to play in the NFL. Ok, did you get that?  Remove the first statement.  Now how do you feel?  When Michael Sam came out, everyone was applauding his announcement. "Good Job!" "That takes guts" etc.  Now, my question is, how long until certain people start saying how they really feel about this? What about Richie Icognito? Wait, probably not, he's too busy with John Martin, still.  I'm guessing someone will start talking shortly before the NFL Draft just to increase the ratings to see if Michael Sam gets picked or not.

Selena Gomez, is that you?

Selena Gomez was spotted yesterday in LA doing whatever a person does after a stint in rehab.  After everything she has been through lately, I would suggest her to never leave the house if she thinks it's ok to look like this. Selena, if you had a brother who liked to cross dress, this would be him.

Courtland Rogers asks for divorce on Twitter!

Courtland Rogers goes to Twitter the same night the new season of Teen Mom 2 premiered on MTV. Janelle's response: “That was the plan the day we got arrested. Gotta wait until April buddy.” Oh. Did you see the pic of Janelle naked before her abortion?  I'll never think of a certain type of meat the same way ever again.

Suge Knight punches employee!

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. [Video:TMZ] Suge Knight needs to sit in his mansion, get high and watch tv like he should.  But no, Suge Knight needs to get out and be a tough guy.  TMZ has obtained surveillance video of Suge punching a pot dispensary employee in the face after being denied pot because Suge did not provide his medical marijuana card.  The employee filed a police report and the police have the surveillance video.  Mr. Knight is being investigated for making felony criminal threats! When Suge wants pot, you give Suge pot. And a complimentary bag of hot cheetos!

Courtney Stodden lands a deal with a Talent Agency!

[Photo:Coleman-Rayner] Former wife of Doug Hutchison was spotted at Dan Tana's in Hollywood having dinner with talent manager and producer David Weintraub.  David was a producer on 'Celebrity Rehab' and its spin off 'Sober House.'  “Widely known as a pop culture phenomenon, Courtney does indeed have enormous legitimate talent and star power. DWE Talent will drive Courtney in many different areas of film, TV, viral, hosting and branding spaces. We are excited to introduce Courtney Stodden’s new image worldwide.”  Said, Mr. Weintraub. David, what type of talen will you be managing exactly?  I'm stumped.

Bruce Jenner ...

Is becoming a woman one day at a time and has the most beautiful locks with the most volume I have ever seen.  Good job Bruce, keep it up.

Another "Pixie Cut" Victim

Guess who the latest celeb is to rock the Pixie Cut? [Photo:RPAPGN] Julianne Hough. Yay, another chick going butch.  What is with women these days and why do they think this is a good idea? Sorry Julianne, either way you will always look like your bro.  Throw on a go tee and I wouldn't know the difference.

Courtney Stodden ...

Courtney Stodden is famous for _____ ? She went to Twitter to talk about her "lippies." Whatever that means.  Maybe nipples? Titties? F*ck, I don't know.  Anyway, at this rate, she's on track to Joan River status. Yikes.

Charlie Sheen threatens Ashton Kutcher

So you know that recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel where Ashton Kutcher told Charlie Sheen to shut the F up?  Well all was good until two hours later Charlie Sheen had a bipolar episode and decided it wasn't ok anymore.  He goes on to threaten Ashton Kutcher... Hospital food diet. Ya feel me jr? Charlie Sheen is now #LOSING.

Pamela Anderson goes shopping!

Pamela Anderson spotted in the Beverly Hills shopping. I hope she was shopping for a wig.  I can't stand this lesbo haircut.  Pamela, do something quick.  You have not made it into the spank bank for years.

Cameron Diaz's history of BF's

[Photo:Getty Images] This is Cameron Diaz's history of BF's dating back to around 95'.  Based on a person's track record of who they date, you can kind of tell what their type is. Right? Such diversity in this list.  Basically, from the looks of it, she will take anyone willing.

Ben Affleck takes family to breakfast!

Hey Jennifer, how's that paparazzi law working out for you?

Actors losing weight for movie roles

[Photo:FameFlyNet] Matthew Mcconaughey loses weight for Dallas Buyers Club In January 2014, Wahlberg told Extra TV he was in the process of losing weight for his role in The Gambler. "I'm trying to get as thin as I possibly can. I'm playing a literary professor who also has some serious addiction problems." He said at the time he was trying to get down to 150 pounds, which would be a 40-pound drop for the normally muscular actor. I really wonder how they're able to drop that many pounds so quickly?  What's your thought on actors after they lose the pounds?  Better or worse? 

Aw, they're just like us!

Scarlett Johansson and Kate Winslet have gone bare-faced for a campaign by Vanity Fair. . No, no, no, please stop.  I can't stand when they do this.  I never want to see any hot actresses without make-up on. Ever.  Yes, we get it, you're a normal human being just as ugly as the next girl without make-up on.   Women: never show yourself without make up on.  Nobody cares or wants to see that.

George Zimmerman vs DMX !

[Photo:ISAAC LOPEZ/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS] George Zimmerman will be taking on DMX (bark, bark, bark) in a boxing match!  Ok, well not yet, but it is in the talks as we speak.  If the price is right, this fight could happen.  DMX was picked out of 15,000 possibilities.  Another rapper, "The Game" called TMZ personally, talked with the promoter and said he would definitely fight George Zimmerman, but the promoter didn't accept the offer at the time. DMX went to TMZ and said he would break all rules in boxing and would make sure he would f*ck Zimmerman up. Who wouldn't want to see a bloody and almost dead Zimmerman?

Pharrell Williams is...Hat Person of the Year! (Wtf?)

Pharrell Williams has just been name Hat Person of The Year! My response, WTF?  I guess any award is good, just like bad publicity, either way someone is talking about you.  Pharrell won the award by beating out Al Roker and Ann Hathaway (just to name a few) and will be awarded on April 24th. I guess when you win a Grammy, you also get an award for one dumbass of a hat. Btw, he's still rocking that Smokey the Bear hat.  (Recently spotted at Nobu Berkeley) Photo:[WENN] Pharrell Williams has also landed a gig at this years NBA All-Star game (Feb.16) at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans.

Biggest Loser Weight loss in question!

[Photo:NBC] Someone on a TV show has done something spectacular.  So when this happens, the media must reply.  What is the media saying? They're questioning her weight loss and how it was achieved so quickly.  The contestant, Rachel Frederickson, a 24 year old voiceover artist, became "The Biggest Loser" and won $250k.  She started the show at 260 pounds and lost 155 pounds!  She lost 59.62 percent of her body weight!   Wow, what an achievement!  I've seen people on coke able to pull this off too! There you go media, there's your answer to all life's problems.

Selena Gomez has issues!

So if you haven't heard, Selena Gomez went to rehab a few weeks ago or maybe it was a month.  I don't know, either way she went.  Now she's claiming it was pop punk star Justin Bieber's fault.  She said something close to, "well he was doing it so much with his friends when I was around, I felt the need to do it."  Ok, don't quote me on that, but it's close enough. Now listen, don't get me started on Justin Bieber, but nobody made Hoffman stick those needles in his arm!  So Selena, dear, stop pointing the finger and enjoy your time with Austin Mahone, ok?

Stone Cold Steve Austin has a message for Justin Bieber!

What is Stone Cold doing these days anyway?

Ke$ha's Producer gets death threats!

Ke$ha's producer, Dr.Luke has been receiving death threats on Twitter due to Ke$ha's recent claim he was the reason for her going to rehab for a eating disorder.  Dr. Luke has gone as far as calling Ke$ha a big fat refrigerator.  This did not go so well for Ke$ha's followers.  Soon after, Twitter was full of Dr. Luke death threats and because of that, the LAPD has taken this case and is now looking for the real identity of the Twitter handles making these threats. Some of the Twitter death threats: "You need to be worried because IMA slit your throat before January is over." "You ugly fat ass bum bitch.  Im gonna carve u like a pumpkin with a long sharp knife." "Im gonna gut you like a fish then skin you and glue ur wrinkly raisin skin to a fridge!" "I'm gonna slit your F**KIN throat open then gouge your eyeballs out." The LAPD started taking it seriously once a Twitter handle released Dr. Luke's home address and...

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber makes out with Khalil!

Relax.  It's fake.  Right?

Justin Bieber denied entry to several clubs!

This weekend, I'm sure there were hundreds of Super Bowl parties to attend.  But the best parties were picky on who could join the festivities.  Justin Bieber was denied entry to several parties this weekend. One to mention is 1 Oak, the same club that denied entry to Lindsay Lohan after her fur coat issue.  Another was the DirectTV party, where Jay-Z performed.  Oddly enough, you could have seen George W. Bush's daughter slapping her husband's ass while dancing to 99 problems.   Justin Bieber crossed those clubs off his list and went to the next one where he ended up skateboarding and sucking on a nipple with his 'bro.' You know you have issues if you're on any type of list with Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan Banned from NYC Clubs!

After all the drug abuse, I can understand why Lindsay Lohan might have the tendency to forget being banned from NYC clubs.  Last Friday, at 1 Oak, she was denied access.  She was left standing shocked and embarrassed as other celebs like Ryan Phillippe, Bar Refaeli, Paris Hilton, Kate Upton and a gaggle of models walked by her and into the club. Poor Lindsay, maybe she shouldn't have started a problem with 1 Oak about her fur coat being missing.  If you haven't heard, Sidney Rice found her coat and Lindsay's people retrieved it.  But after the Super Bowl last night, I swore Joe Namath found it...