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George Zimmerman has a Bounty on his Head!

George, his girlfriend and her children quickly left the beach in Miami after someone spotted them and said there was a bounty on George's head!  That scared George enough to pack up and head back to his hotel. They went back to their hotel, where security guards stayed outside their doors until the next day.  The next morning George did his interview with CNN and got out of Miami quicker than a slave escaping a cotton field.  Apparently the bounty is true, there's a video from the Black Panthers: Good Luck, George.

Lil Kim is Pregnant?!

[Photo:SPLASHNEWS] Lil Kim is pregnant.  Go grab a brown bag and think about that for a minute.  She was seen at NYFW showing off her baby bump.  Who in their sick mind would take Lil Kim to Pound Town? Barf.  

Biggest Loser Weight loss in question!

[Photo:NBC] Someone on a TV show has done something spectacular.  So when this happens, the media must reply.  What is the media saying? They're questioning her weight loss and how it was achieved so quickly.  The contestant, Rachel Frederickson, a 24 year old voiceover artist, became "The Biggest Loser" and won $250k.  She started the show at 260 pounds and lost 155 pounds!  She lost 59.62 percent of her body weight!   Wow, what an achievement!  I've seen people on coke able to pull this off too! There you go media, there's your answer to all life's problems.

George Zimmerman is going to Box!

Well how about this story?! George Zimmerman is going to be involved in a Celebrity Boxing match! He tells [ RadarOnline ]: "It was my idea." Says, Zimmerman. “Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out.” The fight is scheduled for March 1st and the promoter (Damon Fledman) is taking opponent suggestions at: I hope his opponent is young and black.

Rob Ford backs Justin Bieber!

"Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sticking up for another headline-grabbing Canadian, Justin Bieber. Ford said Bieber is only 19 and asked the radio personalities, who called Bieber ‘Canada's worst export,’ to think back to when they were that age. Toronto's favorite black sheep, Mayor Rob Ford, is rising to the defense of fellow Canadian Justin Bieber, who has recently been in the headlines for the wrong reasons. "Well, you know what, he's a young guy," Ford said Thursday. "At 19 years old, I wish I was as successful as he was. He's 19 years old, guys. Think back to when you were 19."[VIA: nydailynews ] I think these two would have one hell of a night!  Don't ya think?

Justin Bieber Toxicology Report (TMZ)

Weed and Xanax.

Oprah Owns

Oprah Winfrey’s bodyguards were detained on Thursday by the police in Mathura, a town 90 miles south of Delhi, after they got into a fight with local TV journalists.   The talk show host is in India shooting her new show “Oprah’s Next Chapter.”   Police held three members of Oprah’s security detail after they brawled with local TV journalists covering her trip. Some video equipment belonging to the TV crews was destroyed. [via] Oprah's bodyguards could kill a village in India and get away with murder. 

Mark Wahlberg the Hero

"If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.'" [via] ***update: TMZ spoke with  Deena Burnett-Bailey  -- whose husband  Thomas Burnett  phoned her from that fateful flight saying, "I know we're going to die. There's three of us who are going to do something about it." Burnett-Bailey tells us, "Does Mark Wahlberg have a pilot's license? Then I think hindsight is 20/20 and it's insignificant to say what you would have done if you weren't there. " She adds, "The plan for Flight 93 was foiled by heroes. For him to speculate that his presence on board could have stopped everything is silly and disrespectful.  Sounds like someone is grandstanding." [via] Yeah and I could have stopped the Titanic from sinking or gone on a stealth ninja m...

Is Casey Anthony worth $1,000,000

"I just received this letter from my lawyers at Salberg. Looks like Casey Anthony already has a deal in place for 1 million dollars that supersedes all interview requests. That is unfortunate because I still think I am the best person for the job."-nik richie Nobody else could interview like Nik Richie. Plus, two people that are hated by so many people would get a lot of ratings. But then again, any baby killer isn't worth sh*t.

Serial Butt Slasher Caught!

Fairfax, Va. -- A man suspected in more than a dozen incidents at retail stores in Fairfax, Virginia has been captured in Peru, authorities said. Johnny D. Guillen, known as the "Corta Nalgas" --or "butt cutter" -- was captured Friday in Lima, according to Jair Quedas, system operator for Interpol Peru. Authorities in the United States were looking for Guillen for allegedly cutting the buttocks of 13 young women, according to America Noticias, Peruvian local television. Authorities say in all cases Guillen distracts the women in their teens or early 20s, then slashes them on their behind. In one incident, officers responded to a report of a woman who suffered a 1 1/2 inch wound to her buttocks at a Forever 21 store on July 25. Talk about an ass-man.


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Nik Richie not giving up

She's gotta know by now. She obviously hasn't said no just yet. I wonder what she's waiting for? It's not like any other network is going to offer anything. So why not have two people that are hated by so many people have a little chat. Talk about ratings.

proud to be a marine?

"An investigation is underway into a video that has gone viral, showing Marines urinating on at least three dead bodies. Those Marines are apparently from Camp Lejeune, and the dead people are Taliban insurgents. In a statement to WITN News, Captain Gregory Wolf at the Pentagon says they are still trying to verify the origin or authenticity of the video. Wolf confirmed the Marines are from Scout Sniper Team 4, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines. The video showed up this morning on several web sites. Wolf says what's in the video is not consistent "with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps." He said those responsible will be held accountable."[] Any dead taliban soldier deserves to be pissed or sh*t on.

Nik Richie and the Casey Anthony interview

[] "I just want to confirm rumors going around the internet. Yes, I am trying to make a deal with Casey Anthony and Yes, the whole world will watch this interview. It’s not Blood Money, it’s real life and people need to hear her side. Casey this is America… let be your voice."[] Nik Richie confirms he has sent a request to Casey Anthony's lawyer for an interview. Just wanted to share the news. Click image to enlarge.

It's Hammer Time!

[image:] "A Florida woman who reportedly became incensed while watching TV’s Judge Judy was arrested Sunday after she allegedly struck her husband on the head with a hammer.   According to a Jupiter Police Department report , she attacked Larry Knowles, 65, since "she was upset because Judge Judy was on the television,” and "Larry was watching Judge Judy and that made her mad." The syndicated program stars Judith Sheindlin, an irascible former New York jurist."[] Well there you go, Judge Judy's next case.   

Nik Richie offers $350k for Casey Anthony

[image:] Rumor on the internets says Nik Richie of The has offered Casey Anthony $350,000 for her first interview.  And since the four major networks on tv refuse to dish out any cash for this trash, The Dirty has no problem coughing up some coin.  The interview would take place on Nik Richie's internet radio show, pre-recorded and videotaped as well. Shes broke and unemployed so I don't see any reason why she wouldn't do it.  How I see it: CBS ABC NBC FOX THE DIRTY What other "network" would have any interest and the money to get the first interview? None. []  I'm not surprised either but do you really think he cares? Hello! $$$ signs!

Corey Feldman gets a kid

In a interview with The Sun, Mr. Feldman says he's going to release a feel bad for me book about life as a kid and getting molested.... "People need to know the reason Corey and I were swept under the carpet like the beaten dogs that were sent to the pound so no one had to deal with us anymore."-[] " Either way, yeah, we get it Feldman. You were a very cute kid and people wanted to f*ck you. You don’t have to brag. If you were trying to make me feel bad because I was chunky and no one wanted to have sex with me, well then mission accomplished."[] Forget the book, why can't you just tweet it?

Casey Anthony Vlog?

So apparently, this chick that looks a lot like Casey Anthony made a video-blog...  She's doing ok! I'm so glad to hear that.....yeah...anyway. Well, she didn't mention anything about her case but did say she could get off probation in February but will still be "locked up" (assuming she's referring to house arrest due to all the people that love her in the world.) Oh yeah, did you really think she would mention her dead daughter? Nope. Nothin'. Somebody should let her know her daughter was murdered. She'd be like "what? really? lets go to the bar!"

Oh, those Gop's

Rick Purry, you had me going for a bit. But I don't want a president who refers to himself in 3rd person 97% of the time and whose long lost relative is George Dubya.