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Showing posts with the label Totally Random Pics

Kim Kardashian, Stop Playin'!

Kim Kardashian before butt implants .. Kim Kardashian after butt implants .. I don't know how else your ass could GROW LIKE THAT?!?

Kate Upton is still in SI Swimsuit Edition?!

Alright fellas, ladies and lesbians.  Take away every image stuck in your brain of Kate Upton's boobs.  Forget every slow motion video you've ever seen of Kate Upton dancing or walking down the cat walk.  What do we have left? This.  This is what we have left.  This face.  Now, do you still think she's hot?  Does she still stay in the spank bank?  I don't think so.  Not at all.   I'd rather rub one off looking at vegetables.  

Hey, it's Hillary Duff!

Hillary Duff was spotted doing something somewhere the other day showing off her Kardashian like butt!  Yay!  I wonder if her next boyfriend will be black?

Miley Cyrus Puts Dirty Thong in her mouth!

Miley Cyrus performing at the Tacoma Dome for the Bangerz Tour February 16th, 2014. No comment.

The "truth" behind Justin Bieber gay kiss pic

Back in August 2013, this twitpic put Beliebers in a frenzy!  Well, it turns out the guy in the pic is a Justin Bieber look alike and his name is Rob Miller. Big deal, I know.  But, get this guy some fake tattoos and he could do a lot of damage to the Biebs.  It would be halirous.

Selena Gomez, is that you?

Selena Gomez was spotted yesterday in LA doing whatever a person does after a stint in rehab.  After everything she has been through lately, I would suggest her to never leave the house if she thinks it's ok to look like this. Selena, if you had a brother who liked to cross dress, this would be him.

Ben Affleck takes family to breakfast!

Hey Jennifer, how's that paparazzi law working out for you?

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber makes out with Khalil!

Relax.  It's fake.  Right?

This is one of the weirdest couples right now!

Hayden Panettiere and huge fiance I'm just saying, this is one of the weirdest couples I know of right now.  If you know a weirder couple, let me know.

Jennifer Lawrence is Gross!

According other gossip sites, Jennifer Lawrence ruined four dresses while making the American Hustle movie due to Doritos.  Good thing the movie took place in the 70's/80's so the material was cheap. Some may think this is cute, but I think it's gross.  This makes me think she'd be a "one of the boys" type of girlfriends.  Ya know, the type that farts, burps, lets you know when she's gotta sh*t and is more of a slob than you are..  If you think she is attractive, then you might as well date the same sex.

Man pays in pigs


Brothers Separated At Birth?


R.I.P. Gma

What other way could you possibly show respect to your grandmother who died while driving and texting. 

"The Real Internet Blackout"


Boondock Saints 3

Don't forget the pennies!

Todays Random Pics

Only in Cleveland. I think I know whats on page 267... Hey, sweet pool table. Hey, your kids under it too. Aww who said Hitler couldn't be sweet? Huh? A f*ckin sale or ..... a f*ckinnnn saaaale. yeaaah i'm in. Damn, skid row.

Connect the dots

While mounting the girl he cheated on you with. Duh.

yo, just sayin'

keep it real.