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The HodgeTwin's reaction to Michael Sam's Boner!

The Hodge Twins share their opinions about the recent "Boner" Michael Sam had at the NFL Combine earlier this week. Call it whatever you want to call it, next time tape that shit down on your thigh.  Seriously. 

Terrell Suggs is very ugly and he can speak Hebrew!

Terrell Suggs has got to be the ugliest athlete known to man.

Farrah Abraham offered $1 Million to take a lie detector test!

Steve Hirsch calls Farrah Abraham's claims foolish!  Farrah claims she was drugged and rapped during her promotional tour for her first sex tape, "Back Door Teen Mom."  Steve Hirsch (The CEO of Vivid) has put the offer on the table and now it's time for Farrah to respond or shut up with the allegations! See Steve Hirsch make the offer HERE . [VIA:FishWrapped] It's simple, if she's telling the truth, the lie detector test should be a breeze, right?

Stone Cold Steve Austin has a message for Justin Bieber!

What is Stone Cold doing these days anyway?

Vin Diesel gets down.

Vin, just open the closet door already.  Nice moves, btw.

Are you a Skrillex fan?

Dina Lohan drunk as f*ck on Dr.Phil

"I don’t care what it looks like. I’m fine and I don’t care what anyone says.  All people saw was two minutes edited of an hour long interview. Of course they cut it to make it interesting. That’s their job . I don’t blame them for doing that. Some of the comments were taken out of context but I’m fine. I’m fine.” This episode airs on the 17th. Well good thing she cleared that up because I thought she was drunk in that interview. What was I thinking?

Rivers vs Handler

Joan Rivers could be a Halloween costume. Handler 1, Rivers 0. Let's see where this ends up..

LAPD + CARL'S JR = 1 dead guy.

Holy sh*t!!!

Nicki Minaj = Stupid Hoe

It's better on mute..anyway, I love when artists name songs after themselves.  Really a good way to show their artistic ability in a different way. Nicki, what two words would you use to describe yourself? "Stupid Hoe" and I'll even make a video about it!"

New Megan Fox Commercial in Brazil

I still don't understand why so many dudes think she's hot.

Kobe Bryant switching teams?

With Kobe's recent headlines and when I first read the title I thought, "What?! Kobe's gay? Oooooh you mean basketball teams..."  But then again, who goes to shoe parties?

One too many?

Mmmmm...I don't think I could. The other one would be staring at me like, "me, me, what about ME?!!!"

Endangered Species

"Letterman helped her out of her frock, gallantly unzipping it for her, and then he stood back to admire her derriere. "Wow!" he said, and then seemingly lost for words, he kept repeating "Oh my, oh my." [via] Maybe if she got a facelift, dyed her hair, and changed her voice this would have been a good thing.  Oh well, s ooner or later gingers will be extinct and this won't....ever....happen....again.  

Donkey Punch?