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The HodgeTwin's reaction to Michael Sam's Boner!

The Hodge Twins share their opinions about the recent "Boner" Michael Sam had at the NFL Combine earlier this week. Call it whatever you want to call it, next time tape that shit down on your thigh.  Seriously. 

Terrell Suggs is very ugly and he can speak Hebrew!

Terrell Suggs has got to be the ugliest athlete known to man.

Michael Sam, the truth waits.

Michael Sam is gay. Michael Sam is black. Michael Sam wants to play in the NFL. Ok, did you get that?  Remove the first statement.  Now how do you feel?  When Michael Sam came out, everyone was applauding his announcement. "Good Job!" "That takes guts" etc.  Now, my question is, how long until certain people start saying how they really feel about this? What about Richie Icognito? Wait, probably not, he's too busy with John Martin, still.  I'm guessing someone will start talking shortly before the NFL Draft just to increase the ratings to see if Michael Sam gets picked or not.

George Zimmerman vs DMX !

[Photo:ISAAC LOPEZ/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS] George Zimmerman will be taking on DMX (bark, bark, bark) in a boxing match!  Ok, well not yet, but it is in the talks as we speak.  If the price is right, this fight could happen.  DMX was picked out of 15,000 possibilities.  Another rapper, "The Game" called TMZ personally, talked with the promoter and said he would definitely fight George Zimmerman, but the promoter didn't accept the offer at the time. DMX went to TMZ and said he would break all rules in boxing and would make sure he would f*ck Zimmerman up. Who wouldn't want to see a bloody and almost dead Zimmerman?

Pharrell Williams is...Hat Person of the Year! (Wtf?)

Pharrell Williams has just been name Hat Person of The Year! My response, WTF?  I guess any award is good, just like bad publicity, either way someone is talking about you.  Pharrell won the award by beating out Al Roker and Ann Hathaway (just to name a few) and will be awarded on April 24th. I guess when you win a Grammy, you also get an award for one dumbass of a hat. Btw, he's still rocking that Smokey the Bear hat.  (Recently spotted at Nobu Berkeley) Photo:[WENN] Pharrell Williams has also landed a gig at this years NBA All-Star game (Feb.16) at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans.

George Zimmerman is going to Box!

Well how about this story?! George Zimmerman is going to be involved in a Celebrity Boxing match! He tells [ RadarOnline ]: "It was my idea." Says, Zimmerman. “Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out.” The fight is scheduled for March 1st and the promoter (Damon Fledman) is taking opponent suggestions at: I hope his opponent is young and black.

Justin Bieber vs Richard Sherman = Who's the thug?

 Richard Sherman was referred to as thug after the niners game. Why, I have no idea. But I do know a true thug has a case in more than one country! Justin Bieber USA: DUI in Miami Canada: Assualt Shorty wanna be a thug . I really don't understand the tats mixed with the poppy/I love you songs...

Jarvis Green almost gets scammed! FBI now involved!

[Tmz] Reports say Jarvis Green was almost scammed into buying shares of a NBA franchise!  Green was offered equity of the Miami Heat making him a partial owner.  He would have court side seats and high-fiving King James!  The con man wanted $250k from Green. "It sounded amazing, but I kept thinking, 'Why Jarvis Green? Why not Tom Brady?' Something was off ... but I was excited." Green says ... when the con man started pushing for bank account information, he contacted the Miami Heat to investigate. The Heat quickly called BS on the scheme and contacted the FBI.  We're told the feds got in touch with Green -- and opened up an investigation. " Hmm.. I have a feeling it was ,   Kenneth Tarr .

Cheatin' QB

A couple of gossip sites are reporting that Tony Oh No Romo is cheating on his pregnant wife with a Twilight actress he met over the holidays. Stay Tuned!

Floyd vs Manny

Floyd will be taken to jail on a gurney.

John, Austin and now Tebow.

< = > ? "The fact that Tebow had 316 yards passing and averaged 31.6 yards per pass in the game didn't escape notice on Sunday night. Tebow wore  "John 3:16"   on his eye black in the 2009 BCS Championship game and has since become identified with the famous Bible message. The coincidental stats caused millions of fans to perform Google searches on the Bible passage in the past 24 hours. Here's one more unbelievable stat: John Ourand of Sports Business Journal reports that the  final quarter-hour television rating   for the Broncos-Steelers game was, you guessed it, 31.6. (John 3:16 reads: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."-Yahoo!Sports Ok, time to revise the bible and change it to Tebow 3:16. Second thought, lets make it the "Tebow Testament". 

Passion of the Tebow?

The game done changed.

As  the Tri-City Herald reported , Vanderbilt turned into public enemy number one when Michael Christenson decided to film a game between Connell and Highland (Wash.) High to prove to parents at Highland that the basketball league needed better officials. "Foul? What Foul?!"-Tim Donaghy

Pull n' Tebow!

If you're going to have unsafe sex, make sure you always "Pull n' Tebow! "  Why I have two asians smiling beats me.

pass the weed nephew

I say let him come back. As long as we can get high off his supply. Oh yeah and he probably only wants to come back since wegher is now a sooner. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

"Love it or Leave it Color Coordination"

From [Memo dictated by Tad Shamarharhar, Assistant Athletic Director for Color Coordination, Wave Production and Rhythmic Chanting, for general release] "The Penn State game was a great success. I don't think anyone thought we could get the Kinnick crowd to pull off the stripe effect, but we did it. Note to self: if I ever realize my lifelong dream of pulling off a coup d'etat in this country, remember that the Iowans follow directions well. Very well. Don't write that last part down. It was an impressive effort, but I think we have just touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of fan color coordination. We can, nay, we must go farther. Here are the color coordination instructions I have prepared for the Wisconsin game: If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 1-15, you should wear navy If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 16-25, you should wear royal blue If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 26-40, you should wea...

Another Wegher Rumor

From a nurse at the U of I Hospital and Clinics that "knows people":   "He knocked up a teammates girlfriend." “As far as I know, he’s gone for at least this season and, for all I know, maybe forever. That’s something he’ll decide and work through [and] we’ll discuss if it’s ever appropriate, but for right now, we’re coaching the guys who are here.” - Kirk Ferentz    True or False who cares, I laughed when I first heard this.  Wegher is like the 2nd (#1 is the kicker) smallest person on the team.  He'd be out for the season anyway after the beating he would get.  All we know now is that it wasn't the kicker's girlfriend. 

The Good Ol' Days at Carver

I haven't been this excited for Iowa basketball since the days of B.J. Armstrong. Don't let me down Fran.