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Showing posts with the label Twitter Files

Ellen at the Oscars!

This is how Ellen really felt.  You know it's true. If you want to see more, click HERE .

Miley Cyrus Puts Dirty Thong in her mouth!

Miley Cyrus performing at the Tacoma Dome for the Bangerz Tour February 16th, 2014. No comment.

Lil Kim will be on Maury Povich!

After showing off her baby bump of course the first question you ask is, who is the baby's daddy?!  According to Twitter, no name, no hit rapper by the name of "Mr.Papers" is the father.  After getting tweeted from thousands of people, it was safe to say he was the father.  Now it's being said that Floyd Mayweather might be the daddy!  Lil Kim and Floyd were dating last September. So, who's the daddy?! Floyd Mayweather, you are ___ the father! Fill in the blank with Maury Povich saying it.

The "truth" behind Justin Bieber gay kiss pic

Back in August 2013, this twitpic put Beliebers in a frenzy!  Well, it turns out the guy in the pic is a Justin Bieber look alike and his name is Rob Miller. Big deal, I know.  But, get this guy some fake tattoos and he could do a lot of damage to the Biebs.  It would be halirous.

Selena Gomez, is that you?

Selena Gomez was spotted yesterday in LA doing whatever a person does after a stint in rehab.  After everything she has been through lately, I would suggest her to never leave the house if she thinks it's ok to look like this. Selena, if you had a brother who liked to cross dress, this would be him.

Bruce Jenner ...

Is becoming a woman one day at a time and has the most beautiful locks with the most volume I have ever seen.  Good job Bruce, keep it up.

Courtney Stodden ...

Courtney Stodden is famous for _____ ? She went to Twitter to talk about her "lippies." Whatever that means.  Maybe nipples? Titties? F*ck, I don't know.  Anyway, at this rate, she's on track to Joan River status. Yikes.

Charlie Sheen threatens Ashton Kutcher

So you know that recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel where Ashton Kutcher told Charlie Sheen to shut the F up?  Well all was good until two hours later Charlie Sheen had a bipolar episode and decided it wasn't ok anymore.  He goes on to threaten Ashton Kutcher... Hospital food diet. Ya feel me jr? Charlie Sheen is now #LOSING.

Ke$ha's Producer gets death threats!

Ke$ha's producer, Dr.Luke has been receiving death threats on Twitter due to Ke$ha's recent claim he was the reason for her going to rehab for a eating disorder.  Dr. Luke has gone as far as calling Ke$ha a big fat refrigerator.  This did not go so well for Ke$ha's followers.  Soon after, Twitter was full of Dr. Luke death threats and because of that, the LAPD has taken this case and is now looking for the real identity of the Twitter handles making these threats. Some of the Twitter death threats: "You need to be worried because IMA slit your throat before January is over." "You ugly fat ass bum bitch.  Im gonna carve u like a pumpkin with a long sharp knife." "Im gonna gut you like a fish then skin you and glue ur wrinkly raisin skin to a fridge!" "I'm gonna slit your F**KIN throat open then gouge your eyeballs out." The LAPD started taking it seriously once a Twitter handle released Dr. Luke's home address and...

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber makes out with Khalil!

Relax.  It's fake.  Right?

Trent Reznor hates the Grammys

So basically he's mad because he got cut short of his performance.  Which should have been shorter anyway.  But still, had his performance not been cut short, do you think he'd still be bitching?  Probably not.  It's on record he thinks the Grammys are rigged, cheap, and a popularity contest that the insider club has decided. Ok Rezzy, why the f*ck do you even bother going then?

Lindsay Lohan Dream

Damn, the only thing I don't have are the Parliament cigarettes! Lindsay, I'll keep fighting don't you worry! Kisses.

Milonakis Pedicur

  Hater's gonna hate.

Kim Kardashian Stays Relevant

"After realizing that a story hadn't been written about her in 12 hours, Kim Kardashian tweeted this picture of her hair yesterday ("I dyed my hair lighter yesterday! I'm loving it! New hair color=new beginnings for me"), and what a shock, you can also see her massive juggs in one of her new Kardashian Kollection bikinis. Oh my gosh, she must be so embarrassed -- mortified, really -- that she accidentally posted a picture of her cans. Especially when she only wanted you to see her new hair color. I bet she doesn't show her face for literally days. Poor little lamb."  See the rest of her new hair color pics  Here. Oh Kim, when will you stop? Hey, you better check your phone to see the latest Kim Kardashian Google Alerts!

Rihanna Responds To Tattoo Criticism

While many Twitter users spoke out against the body art, claiming that Rihanna was glorifying gang culture, she has since taken to the social networking site to defend her decision. “I #LOVE my new tattoo!!! Can’t wait for yall to see it!!! I got it in ‘Tibetan’ this time!!! #approved,” she wrote. “Chill babes #noshade. Err’body has an opinion, but yall know what yall can do with them!!! #THUGLIFE (sic)” Rihanna later joked: “I’m thinking I shoulda got a tear drop instead!!! #THUGLIFE maybe next time. “All eyes on Rih, betta picture me rollin’ #THUGLIFE.” Rihanna is so THUG LIFE. I hope she puts out a rap album.

Rivers vs Handler *Update

You are officially down 2-0 now.  Anybody that does this to them self is made to be in a circus.

Rihanna gets THUG LIFE

Rihanna, it's gotta be on your belly to be considered legit.

Paterno in h-e double hockey sticks?

"I can't wait to see what team Paterno will coach for next season!"

No cake face snooki

So earlier today snooki tweeted a pic to her fans with no makeup. Rumor has it, this will be the new look for all the girls on the jersey cast. Whoa. That's a whole lot of paint missing. Makes me think shes somewhat attractive. Mmmmmm...No just kidding. She's still orange inside.
