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Chris Brown has some screws loose. Surprised?

Chris Brown is crazy.

Chris Brown has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, severe insomnia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to new court documents.

Mr. Brown was in court today for a "progress hearing" in the 'beat the shit out of Rihanna case.' The documents that claimed his diagnosis were filed by the facility where Chris Breezy completed 90+ days of anger management therapy.

"In the legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- an official from the rehab facility wrote that ... in addition to his diagnosis ... Chris was self-medicating inappropriately."

"The facility writes, "Mr. Brown became aggressive and acted out physically due to his untreated mental health disorder, severe sleep deprivation, inappropriate self-medicating and untreated PTSD." They never explain the cause of the PTSD. The letter also says Chris was diagnosed with Bipolar II." The letter says Chris is on meds for the bipolar and other conditions."-TMZ

Really? So this is what he's going with? It took him this long and this is the best excuse he came up with? I wonder how much he paid for this "diagnosis"? There's more in the report claiming there's no drugs in his system and he's waking up early to work out. Yeah, right. People don't change. Give it time, this deuchebag will act up again very soon. Just wait.


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