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Showing posts from May, 2010

Man knocks up a handicapped resident!

"DES MOINES, Iowa -- Des Moines police said a worker at a care facility had been charged with sexual abuse after a resident became pregnant. Police said Napoleon Mbonyunkiza, 41, has been charged with third-degree sexual abuse, neglect of a dependent person and dependent adult abuse. Investigators said a 33-year-old severely mentally handicapped resident with cerebral palsy was found to be pregnant. The woman is wheelchair bound and is unable to speak words, write and has no way of communication. The pregnancy was terminated at 22 weeks.The woman is a resident at Mosaic, a care facility, located at 3114 E. 42nd.Police said several male staff workers voluntarily consented to having their DNA samples taken. Mbonyunkiza's DNA test came back as a match, police said.Police said Mosaic was instrumental in assisting in the investigation in conjunction with the Department of Inspections and Appeals.Mbonyunkiza was transported to Polk County Jail. He's being held on a $30,00...

Dept. of Education employees access Barack Obama's records!

"DAVENPORT (AP) - Nine people charged with illegally accessing President Barack Obama's student loan records while employed for a Department of Education contractor in Iowa have pleaded not guilty in federal court. The former employees of Vangent Inc. are accused of gaining access to a computer at the contractor's office in Coralville, and accessing Obama's records while he was either a candidate for president, president-elect or president. They pleaded not guilty Monday in U.S. District Court in Davenport to charges of exceeding authorized computer access. Trial was scheduled for July 6. All were released after entering their pleas. The charge is punishable by up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000." Barack, like I"ve always said: "Mo money, Mo problems."

Drunk guy spray paints the road!

"IOWA CITY - Iowa City police arrested a man after he allegedly spray painted the northbound lane of N. Dubuque Street while intoxicated, twice in the same night. Police say they found Joseph Honsey, 23, of Iowa City, spray painting the road outside his N. Dubuque Street residence around 4:00 a.m. back on April 9th, a Friday. Honsey dropped his spray can and ran into his residence when he saw the officers. Honsey later admitted to spraying the road, police said. Officers told Honsey to stay indoors or they would arrest him for public intoxication. At 6:25 a.m., officers found Honsey outside spray painting, again. They arrested Honsey, charging him with public intox and third degree criminal mischief.  The cleanup of Honsey’s paint job totaled $917." Now that sounds like my kind of night. Or an expensive can of spray paint.

Tyga Tyga Woods is an Idiot!

So tyga tyga woods, that cost you $750 million. Congrats.

Heidi Montag replaces Megan Fox?

I hope it's just the "internets" lying when they said heidi montag is being considered to replace megan fox in the next transformers... ***update: Who cares. both of ya just get naked already! CLICK HERE   for more Megan Fox and Heidi Montag!

Slipknot bassist found dead!

URBANDALE, IOWA (BNO NEWS) -- Slipknot bassist Paul Gray was found dead at a central Iowa hotel on Monday morning, police officials confirmed. He was 38. Gray was found dead at the TownePlace Suites in the city of Johnston, in Polk County, at around 10.50 a.m. local time. "We had been contacted by hotel employees who found a deceased male," a police official told BNO News. "We have identified him as Mr. Gray." An autopsy will be performed on Tuesday, the official said. "There is no indication of foul play," he added. r.i.p. even though you were born in LA. sooo you really don't mean that much to us iowans. but anyway i'll start buying your cd's now instead of limewire. i suppose.

Lebron James' mother has sex with Delonte West

"James' subpar play in the series was caused by him learning that his mom, Gloria James, was having sex with Cavs teammate, Delonte West, a Washington, D.C. native." According to reports, NBA Hall of Famer Calvin Murphy went on record May 19, saying the rumor is true. "It ain't no rumor," Murphy told an ESPN affiliated radio station in Houston. The radio interview has been posted on "[It's] absolutely true" and "absolutely horrifying." You can blame Bron Bron's mama for the Cavs losing. I wonder how she liked Delonte West's 17 different personalities?

Where's the Kobe Killer?

NOBODY can stop Kobe. Suns will only have a chance to win if they don't play like the Nets. Just saying.

Hawkeye Vodka anyone?

Have to say, Hawkeye Vodka is a college student's budget plan. Herky's face should replace that "hawkeye" What do you think of it? The boys @blackheartgoldpants would like to know.

Girls Next Door: Stay Home.

I never thought I'd agree with a gay guy (Perez) who told me a girl wasn't hot naked. Forget her " sex tape "

2's company, 3's a crowd, 85 is?

Who says you can't find true love on a reality show? Cheryl, be patient, he's got 85 chicks to screw...

[Sports] I heart the I

Pre-Season ranking= #12 My Heart= #1 Forever. I love you bro(s)

News: Way to ruin a woman's self esteem.

CORALVILLE, Iowa (AP) -- State and federal authorities have levied more than $92,000 in fines on a Coralville nursing home where staff are accused of covering up the sexual abuse of an elderly resident. In addition to the fines against Windmill Manor nursing home, criminal charges were filed recently against its former director of nursing, Karen Etter. State records say a male resident of Windmill Manor was found in bed with a female resident in November, and both were undressed. And then, on Christmas Day, staff saw the two having sex. Regulators say the woman, who has Alzheimer's disease, could not have given informed consent to sex. Regulators also allege that Etter warned staff members not to tell anyone of the incident if they wanted to keep their jobs. The home's administrator, Janet Peterson, was unavailable for comment. Information from: The Des Moines Register, And just think, she probably thought she was good looking since this ne...

News: The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.

I wonder how many people were "spiritually" involved when he was talking.