"Last week, the owner of Is Anyone Up?, Hunter Moore, and a collaborator, Charles Evens—who often went by the name Gary Jones—were arrested by federal authorities and charged with multiple counts of conspiracy, unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information, and aggravated identity theft. "-New Yorker
Basically, Hunter would have his buddy Charles aka Gary hack into people's computers and steal naked selfies/amateur pictures and post them on his website without the original owner knowing until it was too late. He would then point out every flaw that he could about any picture he posted. There were no compliments, of course. Hunter would pay upwards of $200 to have a chick's computer/email hacked in order to post pictures for personal gain. *It is not illegal to post naked pictures of someone without their knowledge.*
Tumblr? Yeah, I'm sure there's a sh*t load of this going on, but I wouldn't know, I've never checked it out. The thing is, had he not put Facebook profiles/names with the photos, "Is Anyone Up" would still be alive and kicking. As bad as it sounds, it's the truth.
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