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Showing posts from January, 2014

George Zimmerman is going to Box!

Well how about this story?! George Zimmerman is going to be involved in a Celebrity Boxing match! He tells [ RadarOnline ]: "It was my idea." Says, Zimmerman. “Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out.” The fight is scheduled for March 1st and the promoter (Damon Fledman) is taking opponent suggestions at: I hope his opponent is young and black.

Rob Ford backs Justin Bieber!

"Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sticking up for another headline-grabbing Canadian, Justin Bieber. Ford said Bieber is only 19 and asked the radio personalities, who called Bieber ‘Canada's worst export,’ to think back to when they were that age. Toronto's favorite black sheep, Mayor Rob Ford, is rising to the defense of fellow Canadian Justin Bieber, who has recently been in the headlines for the wrong reasons. "Well, you know what, he's a young guy," Ford said Thursday. "At 19 years old, I wish I was as successful as he was. He's 19 years old, guys. Think back to when you were 19."[VIA: nydailynews ] I think these two would have one hell of a night!  Don't ya think?

Mila Kunis is pregnant and this is where she's headed!

I wish her a fast recovery back to sexyness.  Ashton, hang in there.

This is one of the weirdest couples right now!

Hayden Panettiere and huge fiance I'm just saying, this is one of the weirdest couples I know of right now.  If you know a weirder couple, let me know.

Jessica Simpson from Fat to Phat!

Jessica Simpson shows off new body. Jessica Simspon shows off her new body showcasing one of her swimsuits from her new collection. Thanks to Weight Watchers she was able to pulls this off. “I love the new swimwear we have coming out ... This swimsuit is feminine and a little retro in its detailing," she told People Style. "It’s very sexy, but it still leaves something to the imagination. And the shape is incredibly flattering.” Now if we could only work on her IQ... 

Comeback for Aaron Carter?

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Nick Carter -- Send Bieber Back to Canada ... My American Brother Is Way Better Anyway - Watch More Celebrity Videos or Subscribe [tmz] Nick Carter says his bro Aaron is American and Justin Bieber should head back to Canada.   Now listen, Justin Bieber can stay and control the tween's market,  but there's nobody controlling the gay tween market.  Is there? Because Aaron is gay, isn't he?  [] [] If he's not gay, my bad.  Maybe he just likes to cuddle naked with boys?

Is Anyone Up? Hunter Moore gets Locked Up!

"Last week, the owner of Is Anyone Up?, Hunter Moore, and a collaborator, Charles Evens—who often went by the name Gary Jones—were arrested by federal authorities and charged with multiple counts of conspiracy, unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information, and aggravated identity theft. "-New Yorker Basically, Hunter would have his buddy Charles aka Gary hack into people's computers and steal naked selfies/amateur pictures and post them on his website without the original owner knowing until it was too late.  He would then point out every flaw that he could about any picture he posted.  There were no compliments,  of course.  Hunter would pay upwards of $200 to have a chick's computer/email hacked in order to post pictures for personal gain.  *It is not illegal to post naked pictures of someone without their knowledge.*  Tumblr? Yeah, I'm sure there's a sh*t load of this going on, but I wouldn't know, I've never c...

Justin Bieber Toxicology Report (TMZ)

Weed and Xanax.

Austin Mahone claims he's not doing Selena..yet

[via] Austin Mahone tells PEOPLE magazine there's nothing to talk about.  He claims he is not dating Selena Gomez, although they are "close" friends. "We're just friends," he says. "She's really cool … I mean, I think she's really pretty but every time I'm in L.A., she's like, 'Hey you're in L.A., lets hang out,' " he added at an Aquafina FlavorSplash press conference Wednesday. "So it's cool. An industry insider who has worked with both pop stars also tells PEOPLE that Mahone and Gomez are not officially an item. " Maybe they are more than just friends but they are certainly not dating ," says the source. There you go!  The proof is in the pudding!  Who ever said you had to be dating your slam piece?   

Jennifer Lawrence is Gross!

According other gossip sites, Jennifer Lawrence ruined four dresses while making the American Hustle movie due to Doritos.  Good thing the movie took place in the 70's/80's so the material was cheap. Some may think this is cute, but I think it's gross.  This makes me think she'd be a "one of the boys" type of girlfriends.  Ya know, the type that farts, burps, lets you know when she's gotta sh*t and is more of a slob than you are..  If you think she is attractive, then you might as well date the same sex.

Justin Bieber vs Richard Sherman = Who's the thug?

 Richard Sherman was referred to as thug after the niners game. Why, I have no idea. But I do know a true thug has a case in more than one country! Justin Bieber USA: DUI in Miami Canada: Assualt Shorty wanna be a thug . I really don't understand the tats mixed with the poppy/I love you songs...

Kourtney Kardashian hates people on Airplanes!

Kourtney Kardashian got some unpleasant parenting advice on how to manage her young'ns... "People on airplanes are so wild these days," tweeted Tuesday, Jan. 28. "Telling other people's children to cover their mouths. Cover YOUR mouth." Wait, she wasn't on a Kardashian private jet?  I don't care which famous vagina a kid came out of, I don't want their germs. Maybe it was Howie Mandell on the plane?

Kendrick Lamar responds to Grammys snub and Macklemore

Kendrick Lamar is not phased by the Grammys one bit. He tells XXL magazine: “It’s well deserved; he did what he did, man.  He went out there and hustled and grinded. Everything happens for a reason; the universe comes back around, that’s how it go.  We part of the world. We part of the movement. So I think any awards, including the Grammys, should always push for more hip-hop because it’s music as a whole, it’s not just splitting different regions.  Everything moves as far as sound and vibrations, and that’s how it goes. And we are a part of that." After ripping every other rapper to shreds,  I guess Macklemore would have been too easy. 

Selena Gomez is f*cking Austin Mahone

Selena is obviously trying to get the closest resemblance of Justin Bieber that she can.  Tell me that I'm lying. The couple were spotted leaving the Beats Music event in El Lay separately, but later got in the same ride.(To karaoke Justin Bieber songs) Selena, what is your deal with young boys? the Beats Music event in El Lay separately, the Beats Music event in El Lay separately, the Beats Music event in El Lay separately,

Daft Punk unmasked! Whaat?!?

So those crazy robots you kept seeing at the Grammys couldn't wear their ridiculous robot outfits on a plane.  The TSA said no way hosay! I honestly thought these guys were black.  Why?  I have no idea.

Chantel Jeffries speaks and sh*t falls out!

  So you know that chick Justin Bieber is blowing time with?  Well, reports say she was shopping around the Justin Bieber bust.  Ya know, the one where she was riding with Justin?  Well anyway, she wanted $20k for her story and a mention of her modeling career from the TV station who would be interviewing her.  Nobody bit on the offer and now she's claiming she never "shopped" the story.  This is what she had to say: "So many false allegations going around, I will clear up everything very soon," she said. "I would never 'sell my story,'" she added on Twitter  Tuesday" Sure, and if any TV station would of taken the offer then you wouldn't have been shopping around either, right?  She's going to profit from this somehow.  I'm calling it now.  Btw, this is a picture of her before all the plastic surgery. Yikes!

Vin Diesel gets down.

Vin, just open the closet door already.  Nice moves, btw.

Jarvis Green almost gets scammed! FBI now involved!

[Tmz] Reports say Jarvis Green was almost scammed into buying shares of a NBA franchise!  Green was offered equity of the Miami Heat making him a partial owner.  He would have court side seats and high-fiving King James!  The con man wanted $250k from Green. "It sounded amazing, but I kept thinking, 'Why Jarvis Green? Why not Tom Brady?' Something was off ... but I was excited." Green says ... when the con man started pushing for bank account information, he contacted the Miami Heat to investigate. The Heat quickly called BS on the scheme and contacted the FBI.  We're told the feds got in touch with Green -- and opened up an investigation. " Hmm.. I have a feeling it was ,   Kenneth Tarr .

Macklemore is a sore Winner

So Macklemore beat Kendrick Lamar for the Grammy for the Best Rap album of the year.  Macklemore thought Kendrick should have won so he sent him a text saying so.-  "You got robbed. I wanted you to win. You should have." Macklemore, what is wrong with you?   Shut your mouth and turn off your phone.  You won some Grammys, enjoy it.

Trent Reznor hates the Grammys

So basically he's mad because he got cut short of his performance.  Which should have been shorter anyway.  But still, had his performance not been cut short, do you think he'd still be bitching?  Probably not.  It's on record he thinks the Grammys are rigged, cheap, and a popularity contest that the insider club has decided. Ok Rezzy, why the f*ck do you even bother going then?

Gracias Mexico

Ok, I know this was posted 2 days ago but still, you don't get to see these fun bags often, so when you see them you must savor the moment.   I think she was showing off her wavy hair and sunglasses. Right? Ok, boobs. Kardashian Rule : To stay relevant, you must show your boobs.   Unless your Khloe, there's no saving chewbacca. Ever.

Ellen DeGeneres Show had a typo?

They all look the same to me.  I can't believe Ellen didn't know that Carey Hart fights black supermen and Travis Barker plays the drums.  Big difference.  Anyway, Pink would do them both .

Order Now!

They will be out of stock before you know it!

Meryl Street

White people, you don't need to act gangster everytime you're around african americans.  Kobe, retire. Fiddy, release an album. Thanks Anything below this post is old.   I've been in rehab. Time to relapse.