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Showing posts from February, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Did Lines In A Bathroom?

The Mean Girls star was with friends at the infamous watering hole/hotel and was spotted going to the bathroom frequently. “Lindsay was spotted going to the restroom with a male companion on numerous occasions in a short amount of time,” an eyewitness [said]. “When the two of them emerged from the bathroom, Lindsay was giggling and her nose appeared red. Lindsay was spotted only drinking water in the lounge area, but she appeared to be loaded on something, and she seemed under the influence. Lindsay’s eyes were glassy and her pupils were constricted.” A second eyewitness [added] that Lohan, wearing a plunging v-neck black dress sans bra Sunday night, was “definitely on something. She was slurring her words, and needed help walking at one point.” Blackberry's are so 2010.

Kim Kardashian Stays Relevant

"After realizing that a story hadn't been written about her in 12 hours, Kim Kardashian tweeted this picture of her hair yesterday ("I dyed my hair lighter yesterday! I'm loving it! New hair color=new beginnings for me"), and what a shock, you can also see her massive juggs in one of her new Kardashian Kollection bikinis. Oh my gosh, she must be so embarrassed -- mortified, really -- that she accidentally posted a picture of her cans. Especially when she only wanted you to see her new hair color. I bet she doesn't show her face for literally days. Poor little lamb."  See the rest of her new hair color pics  Here. Oh Kim, when will you stop? Hey, you better check your phone to see the latest Kim Kardashian Google Alerts!

Leslie Carter Dead at 25

Leslie Carter – the sister of Nick and Aaron Carter – has died, a spokesperson for the Carter family has confirmed to Access Hollywood. “Our family is grieving right now and it’s a private matter. We are deeply saddened for the loss of our beloved sister, daughter, and granddaughter, Leslie Carter,” the Carter family said in a statement to Access on Tuesday night. “We request the utmost privacy during this difficult time.” Leslie, an aspiring singer, was 25. Well that's sad. Sad because she probably didn't get to see her brother's  "I want to look like Justin Bieber and pick up 15 year chicks, haircut."

Gawker Slams Press? (Nik Richie's Daughter)

"Sorry, But Babies Are Ugly" Oh, you probably don't think so. You probably think that your baby is "cute." Sure. Do you think a worm is cute? No. Your baby basically looks like a worm with a face and a couple legs. It's fairly hideous. I'm sure that your baby could very well grow up to be a cute child, or even a cute adult. But right now it is just a shriveled, crying, drooling, bald mess. If you saw a homeless man exhibiting the exact same physical traits as your baby, you would cross the street in disgust. Your hormones have you fooled. We're giving you the hard truth here. What are you going to do, widely distribute this post on all of your parenting message boards and newsletters and "social media" sites until countless thousands of readers flood into its comment section, inflating our readership statistics with their outpouring of rage? Go ahead, do your worst. We can take it. Your baby is ugly. Your baby? Your baby. Your ugly baby. G...