LOS ANGELES : Halloween shops are reporting that the Casey Anthony Costume is a huge bestseller this year! “Everybody wants to be Casey for Halloween,” said Todd Winkman of Spook, the top Halloween store in Los Angeles. “We can’t keep the costumes in the store. It’s probably the most popular costume in the last decade.” WWN also spoke with the owner of Trubie’s, one of the largest international manufacturers of Halloween costumes – and they confirmed that the Casey Anthony costume and the Casey Anthony masks are selling like hotcakes. “Nothing is even close, we’ve had to had extra shifts to handle the demand,” said Ward Bench of Trubies. “There is a crazy high demand.” There are rumors that Anthony attorney, Jose Baez, inked a deal so that Casey profits from the sale of the costumes. If so, Anthony could make over $2 million this Halloween – that’s a low estimate according to sources close to Baez.
I bet OJ is pissed.
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