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Showing posts from October, 2010


We could of used more Norm like the Blue Oyster Cult needed more Cowbell. I don't even want to talk about the game. And in other news, the Cyclones still suck.
I'm going to BK right now to eat 2,500 calories and then the hospital to die.
It's Humpday. Take the world's biggest sex survey: Here.

$50k for a backward tattoo!

A Chicago White Sox logo was tattooed backward onto a woman’s thigh, she alleges in a lawsuit filed Thursday. Eugenia “Gina” Bebis of Elmwood Park went to Mystic Tattoo Art & Body Piercing in Chicago for a tattoo made up mainly of the Sox logo, according to the suit. She consulted with an employee, Micah St. John, and he worked up a proof of the design, the suit says. Mr. St. John then inked the tattoo on the outside of her thigh, and when she was able to see it, she saw that it was backward, with the word “Sox” in reverse, according to the suit, which names as defendants Mr. St. John and Mystic, 3120 N. Cicero Ave. in Chicago. Ms. Bebis, 20, alleges in the complaint that she “has had to undergo extensive laser tattoo removal procedures, will require further procedures in the future and will also require a different, larger tattoo to cover up the laser-faded backwards tattoo at issue.” The laser treatments have caused “severe and continuous pain,” according to the compla...

A missing cell phone leads to threats of murder

Iowa City Police say Kay Sonderberg thought her neighbors stole her cell phone so she went over to their home, kicked in their door, grabbed a lead pipe and told them she was going to kill them. Eventually Sonderberg left without hurting anyone. But she came back again, this time with a board. Police say she stood in the front yard and again threatened to kill them over the missing cell phone. Sonderberg's charged with harassment. Koo Koo! This could have been good on Cops though.

Woman Beats Boyfriend With Broom For Not Doing the Dishes

He wouldn't do the dishes so police say his girlfriend beat him with a broom. The fight over chores went down in Iowa City. Police say Marvella Lindsey threw something her her boyfriend when he refused to help in the kitchen. She's accused of then beating him in the head several times with a broomstick. Police say they did find bruises and cuts on the boyfriend. Lindsey is charged with domestic abuse causing injury and obstruction of justice. Police say the boyfriend's mother was also home at the time. The mom tried to call police but Police say Lindsey took the phone away from the mom and threw it causing the phone to break. I wonder if they still would of said "it went down" if the chick was white? Just wondering. Anyway guys, just do the dishes for your lady. Or "getchyo ass broomed."

"Love it or Leave it Color Coordination"

From [Memo dictated by Tad Shamarharhar, Assistant Athletic Director for Color Coordination, Wave Production and Rhythmic Chanting, for general release] "The Penn State game was a great success. I don't think anyone thought we could get the Kinnick crowd to pull off the stripe effect, but we did it. Note to self: if I ever realize my lifelong dream of pulling off a coup d'etat in this country, remember that the Iowans follow directions well. Very well. Don't write that last part down. It was an impressive effort, but I think we have just touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of fan color coordination. We can, nay, we must go farther. Here are the color coordination instructions I have prepared for the Wisconsin game: If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 1-15, you should wear navy If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 16-25, you should wear royal blue If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 26-40, you should wea...

Publicity stunts are weak

(Henry S. Dziekan III/Getty Images) NEW YORK (CBS) Harry Hamlin and his wife Lisa Rinna appeared on the "Today" show yesterday, only to be told that their boutique in Sherman Oaks, Calif., had been robbed. According to published reports, the 58-year-old star of "L.A Law" allegedly had $10,000 worth of designer clothing stolen, and Hamlin announced the news live on television. The New York Post reported that during the couple's interview to promote their new books and reality show, Hamlin suddenly answered a call on his cell phone and said, "Our clothing store is being robbed as we speak," before adding, "ADT is useless...our alarm company was supposed to take care of this, and they did nothing." Hamlin and Rinna's new reality show, "Harry Loves Lisa," debuts on TV Land tonight. Three things learned from this story: 1) Their interview alone isn't going to be enough to gain viewers for their lame tv show. ...

Get Er Done?

Also took first place in best mullet while driving.
I was looking for the Bible.

Des-Loines Tenderloins

This guy likes Tenderloins so much he cruises across Iowa eating tenderloins at random restaurants and gives his review of their fried goodness. I'm so hungry. Here's the link: Des-Loines

Another Wegher Rumor

From a nurse at the U of I Hospital and Clinics that "knows people":   "He knocked up a teammates girlfriend." “As far as I know, he’s gone for at least this season and, for all I know, maybe forever. That’s something he’ll decide and work through [and] we’ll discuss if it’s ever appropriate, but for right now, we’re coaching the guys who are here.” - Kirk Ferentz    True or False who cares, I laughed when I first heard this.  Wegher is like the 2nd (#1 is the kicker) smallest person on the team.  He'd be out for the season anyway after the beating he would get.  All we know now is that it wasn't the kicker's girlfriend. 

Betty White is Hot?

  Betty White is #4 on the Vanity Fair "Most Eligible Single's List."  She takes being a cougar to a higher level .   The level where you think grandma's are hot.  If you're dating a cougar this old, she better be as rich as Betty. 

The Good Ol' Days at Carver

I haven't been this excited for Iowa basketball since the days of B.J. Armstrong. Don't let me down Fran.