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I'll crack your back after... I .. Um...

A Perry chiropractor is charged with assault after a patient reported him to police.Police said Dan Duffy was charged after the complaint was filed in Dallas County in January. He was charged with simple misdemeanor assault on Aug. 10.According to the complaint, a woman being examined for a back injury was lying on her stomach when Duffy pulled up her shirt to expose her lower back.According to the woman's statement, Duffy began massaging her lower right back and buttocks area. Sometime during the exam Duffy left the exam room. He then returned to the room and stood on the left side of the table. The woman told authorities that at that point she heard Duffy unzip his pants and heard what she described as "masturbating."The woman said that after the exam her mother took her to the police station. Police swabbed her lower back for evidence.The state Division of Criminal Investigation lab confirmed that sperm from the lower back swabs on the woman matched Duffy's DNA profile.Duffy declined to comment on camera on the advice of his attorney, but said he's worried about his two young children and his family's future in Iowa.Duffy told KCCI that he's innocent, but said his personal nightmare has just begun because regardless of whether he's found guilty, the stigma attached to these kinds of charges could prevent him from practicing in Perry or Iowa ever again.Duffy has pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge. He's requested a jury trial.Duffy has been running his chiropractic practice out of a Perry strip mall for 12 years.

Not weird at all.


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