Police stopped Binns after observing the vehicle he was driving go straight through a left turn lane and for an equipment violation.Binns initially denied drinking, but eventually admitted to having several drinks, police said. Binns also was wearing a wristband from a bar to indicate he was of legal drinking age. Police said Binns had watery eyes, smelled of alcohol and displayed impaired speech and balance. Binns, who turns 21 on July 23, failed a preliminary breath test with a blood-alcohol content of .097 — above the legal limit of .08 to operate a motor vehicle in Iowa, police said. A breath analyzer later showed Binns’ blood-alcohol content to be .101, according to records. Binns was charged with drunken driving and released from the Johnson County Jail on Friday morning. Ferentz said in a statement that he was “very disappointed” to learn of Binns’ arrest. Binns also will do community service as a result of his arrest, Ferentz said. “I still need to get all the facts concerning the incident. But, the matter and punishment will be handled internally,” Ferentz said. A year ago, offensive tackle Kyle Calloway was arrested for drunken driving during the summer and was suspended for the opening game of the 2009 season against Northern Iowa. Binns’ arrest is the third alcohol-related infraction in just more than a month involving Hawkeye football players. Sophomore running back Jewel Hampton and junior cornerback Jordan Morris-Bernstine were charged with public intoxication in early June. Hampton, 20, also was cited for being in a licensed liquor establishment after hours, in violation of Iowa City’s new 21-only ordinance that took effect June 1.
Another one bites the dust. When will Kirk Ferentz step up his disciplinary actions for our Drunkeyes? We have some pretty intelligent players here at the U of I. I mean we go out on the first weekend after a 21 ordinance was just passed and also celebrate our 21st birthdays a week early. Kirk, when will you enforce a stricter punishment for our Drunkeyes so that they will stop f*cking up before the season starts? The only positive thing about this is, we might get more publicity for being known as the Iowa Drunkeyes.
Your prediction on how many players will get into more trouble before the season starts? Send it to: @realityiowa. I predict, too many!
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