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Hawkeye tailgaters are alcoholics?

-jennifer hemmingsen

An anti-21 leader sent out a curious press release today, accusing the University of Iowa and Iowa City Council of teaching 18-year-old college students how to binge drink:

“Even though most are not of age to enter a bar, freshman witness firsthand and participate in the same dangerous levels of drinking committed by alumni, older adults, and various fans, all while the University of Iowa and the City Council turn a blind eye,” he wrote. “This sends a dangerous message to the newly arrived students that binge drinking is not only tolerated, but celebrated.”

“ I love tailgating and hawkeye football with all my heart, but when you have 7 year olds bartending, middle aged people fighting, and mothers of two winning chugging contest and the city and school encourage it, what kind of message does that send to someone who is 18 and has only been on campus for a few weeks,” Pfaltzgraf asked me when I e-mailed him for more information about YESS position (it’s that current laws should be enforced).

But what Pfaltzgraf apparently missed was UI President Sally Mason’s announcements, as recently as last week, that the school is keen to clean up the home tailgating scene.
Mason didn’t go into detail, but said the UI would take steps to reclaim the family atmosphere outside Kinnick Stadium on game days. Still, it looks like she and Pfaltzgraf are on the same page on this one.

Reclaim the family atmosphere? What is there to reclaim? I don't think there will be any changes made anytime soon. Will somebody get Mr. Pfaltzgraf a beer and tell him to worry about more important things? Like the game, beer pong, how many beers are left, and who's going to clean up that puke?

***To all Iowa Hawkeye Tailgaters: Step it up this year!!!


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