It is a violation of the law to sell or distribute drugs or narcotics without having first obtained the appropriate Iowa drug tax stamp.
A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.
One-armed piano players must perform for free.
Kisses may last for no more than five minutes.
Tanning bed facilities must warn of the risk of getting a sunburn.
A board was created to regulate among other things, hearing aids.
Ministers must obtain a permit to carry their liquor across state lines.
Doctors who treat a person with gonorrhea must report this to the local board of health and include the disease’s “probable origin”.
All boxes used to pick hops must be exactly 36 inches long.
City Laws in Iowa
Liquor stores may not place advertisements for beer outside the store.
Cedar Rapids
It is illegal to read persons� palms in the city limits.
Any hotel in the city limits must have a water bucket and a hitching post in front of the building.
Fort Madison
The fire department is required to practice fire fighting for fifteen minutes before attending a fire.
The “Ice Cream Man” and his truck are banned.
Horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants.
Mount Vernon
One must obtain written permission from the City Council before throwing bricks into a highway.
No person may pick a flower from a city park.
All softball diamond lights must be turned off by 10:30 PM.
Within the city limits, a man may not wink at any woman he does not know.
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