MILWAUKEE (Reuters Life!) - A jury on Thursday found a 24-year-old Wisconsin man guilty of attempted sexual assault for trying to dig up a dead woman's body so his brother could have sex with the corpse, court officials said. On a night in September 2006, Alexander Grunke, his brother Nick and friend Dustin Radke went to the St. Charles cemetery in Cassville, Wisconsin, intent on digging up a 20-year-old woman's body who had died the week before in a car wreck. First, they went to a store to buy condoms, according to the police report. They dug up the grave but were stymied by the concrete vault holding the woman's casket. They ran away when a vehicle approached but were stopped by police, with Grunke dressed in black and perspiring profusely. In testimony in Grant County court, Radke said his friend had long wanted to have sex with a corpse, according to a report on KCRG-TV's website. "Nick said numerous times over the years how he'd love to have sex with a dead body because he wouldn't want to have a woman to come home to holler at, or complain or nag at him," Radke was quoted as saying. A sentencing date has not been set, a court official said.
Guys, if you're too afraid to approach a woman, just wait until they die! What ever happened to iust asking for a number? Jeez. Now we have facebook and cemeteries for the most insecure guys on this earth.
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