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Clayborn talks trash about the Cyclones!

The College Football Media Day circus has flung into high gear this week, and with it comes more drama than a Keeping up with the Kardashians marathon. Members of the media have been eagerly awaiting the league's press day since news of the conference breakup, and are full of stress-inducing questions for new and departing coaches and players. Iowa State’s Paul Rhoads was one of the newer head coaches participating this year. He brought along quarterback Austen Arnaud, running back Alexander Robinson and defensive end Rashawn Parker to assist in answering questions for the media. Among the drama-provoking questions asked of the coach and his players was one about their opinion of the recent claim by Iowa’s Adrian Clayborn. At an Iowa mini-media day, Clayborn answered questions about expectations for the upcoming season. In his response, he mentioned that the Hawkeyes were “the only team in the state” as far as he knew. Apparently, that agitated one of the Cyclone seniors in attendance at media day. “It upset me,” Parker responded when asked. “It’s like a slap in the you could expect, someone’s posted it up [in the locker room].” Maybe Parker just had a case of the Mondays. Maybe that’s why his teammate, Arnaud, spoke up to give Clayborn the benefit of the doubt.“I'm sure it got taken out of context like it always does," Arnaud explained. His head coach agreed with him, and told reporters that he struggled to believe the Hawkeye senior meant to slam the program. Whether Clayborn intended to slight Iowa State or not, many Cyclones players are using his words as fuel on the rivalry fire. "We see that comment every day," Parker added. "It's getting to the point where let's just play the game." The Cyclones will get their game soon enough. The two teams square off on September 11 in Iowa City during the second week of the season. That should give Parker plenty of time to pick up a few more drama pointers from the Kardashians.

Hey Cyclone Nation, simmer down. We all know playing the Iowa Hawkeyes is the only highlight of your season! So the Cyclones are predicted to finish last in their division, but I think that's giving them more credit than they deserve..Oh yeah, Mr.Arnaud, I suggest you sign up for life alert while you still have time. September 11th will be here before you know it. And what is up with this writer being obsessed with the Kardashians?


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