Police said a scorned Iowa City woman falsely accused her ex-boyfriend of sexually assaulting her and enlisted her current boyfriend to intimidate him.
According to Iowa City Police criminal complaints, Elizabeth M. McDonald, 21, and her boyfriend, Matthew G. Nutter, 23, went to the victim’s workplace early March 22. There, police said, Nutter and McDonald hid in the dark parking lot and waited for their target to get off work. Nutter was dressed in dark clothing and a ski mask, police said.
McDonald’s ex-boyfriend is not identified in criminal complaints.
Police said Nutter and McDonald were spotted by witnesses and fled the area after making contact with the alleged victim and other witnesses.
Police were able to track down Nutter and McDonald when Nutter was identified by the license plate seen on his vehicle.
Before police identified and caught up with the pair, however, McDonald went to the police and reported her ex-boyfriend had sexually assaulted her. Police said she told Nutter the same story.
However, police later learned McDonald made up the story in an attempt to get back at her ex-boyfriend for things he said to her on the phone. McDonald admitted to wanting to “give him a jolt” in retaliation for those comments, police said.
McDonald has been charged with making a false report of an indictable crime and third-degree harassment. Nutter has been charged with third-degree harassment.
Now that's some trailer park trash business right there. I bet they are all related. Makes me wanna drink some hillbilly holler with a dip in my mouth.
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