Petitioners hoping to reverse Iowa City's new 21-and-over bar entry age dropped off another stack of signatures at Iowa City Hall in an attempt to force a referendum.
Earlier this month, the city clerk's office said that nearly 60 percent of the signatures that petitioners had submitted were invalid, leaving them 1,227 short of the 2,500 needed for a referendum. The petitioners were given 15 days to make up the difference.
Petition organizer Raj Patel said his group -- Yes to Entertaining Students Safely, or YESS to 19 -- took steps to correct the errors that made nearly 2,000 signatures on the first petition invalid, most of which were thrown out for not being registered to vote here.
"We virtually hit every single neighborhood and every single age group," said Patel, who noted that the average age of those who signed was 27. "So all of Iowa City is represented in this petition."
Patel said that unlike the first petition drive, those who signed were required to include their birth date. That cost them last time when the city was unable to verify signatures that listed one address but were registered to vote at another.
If the petition reaches 2,500 names, the council can either act on the referendum call, meaning reverse their decision, or in the more likely scenario, put the issue up to vote Nov. 2.
If petitioners fall short, they will not get another chance to make up the difference and no other avenues will remain to put the issue up to vote this November.
Why? This is probably for the types of guys that prey on 19 year olds at the bars. They're fresh out of high school so of course they're going to feel good when a 25 year old who still lives at home with his mom approaches them.. Im betting 90% of the names are those types of guys.... Less Prey = Less 25 year olds living @ home in moms basement, Predators.
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