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Seth MacFarlane is Ryan Lochte

The gold medalist is calling the “Family Guy” creator’s impression of him “harsh.”  MacFarlane’s Lochte constantly referred to the new NBC show “Animal Practice” as “Monkey Hospital,” and said he was “excited about the show ‘Goon,’” which Myers explained is actually called “Go On.”  Lochte's thought on the skit: “Well I gotta admit that was a pretty harsh one, but it’s cool to have Seth parody me,” he told  Celebuzz , adding, “I think he pegged me wrong.” Ryan Lochte was raised by mermaids.

Chris Brown = WARNING!

Chris Brown’s Fortune album has been targeted by protestors, as his album covers were slapped with stickers that read “ Warning: Do not buy this man’s album - he beats women.” Then tats the before and after of the girl on his neck.

Lindsay Lohan Dream

Damn, the only thing I don't have are the Parliament cigarettes! Lindsay, I'll keep fighting don't you worry! Kisses.

Are you a Skrillex fan?

Dina Lohan drunk as f*ck on Dr.Phil

"I don’t care what it looks like. I’m fine and I don’t care what anyone says.  All people saw was two minutes edited of an hour long interview. Of course they cut it to make it interesting. That’s their job . I don’t blame them for doing that. Some of the comments were taken out of context but I’m fine. I’m fine.” This episode airs on the 17th. Well good thing she cleared that up because I thought she was drunk in that interview. What was I thinking?

Man pays in pigs