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happy humpday

So did you hear about these two that f*cked while skydiving? You probably did.  But here's the vid if you didn't... happy humpday

weed heals

  [] OCTOBER 19--A Florida Keys woman caught with about seven pounds of marijuana in her car told police that she was not trafficking the pot, but rather needed the large stash to counteract symptoms from her rheumatoid arthritis. Not buying that shaky explanation, cops arrested Lillian Jennen, 56, for felony drug possession. Acting on a tip that Jennen was transporting marijuana, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office deputies stopped her car Friday evening as it traveled southbound on U.S. 1 (she was not wearing a seatbelt). During questioning, Jennen seemed “nervous” and “her hands were shaking and her respirations appeared to be rapid,” according to a sheriff’s report. A deputy also detected the smell of  “fresh marijuana.” Which, of course, resulted in the search of Jennen and her 1998 Saturn SL. As seen in the above evidence photo, deputies seized a cloth bag containing five marijuana bricks. Two bags on the front seat contained a total of $507...

release wild animals. kill myself.

The owner of a wild-animal preserve -- that housed as many as 48 wild and exotic animals -- opened the pens and cages of his menagerie before killing himself, authorities in Zanesville, Ohio said during a news conference Wednesday morning. The property owner, Terry Thompson, opened the cages and gates of the animals -- including bears, cheetahs, wolves, lions, camels, giraffes and a white Siberian tiger -- prior to giving himself a fatal, self-inflicted wound, police said, adding they were waiting on autopsy results. Three animals are unaccounted for -- a lion, a bear and a monkey -- police said in a preliminary estimate. Authorities shot and killed about 30 of the animals Tuesday, and were under orders to shoot to kill during overnight efforts to round up the animals. What a weird way to go out. PETA, where you at on this one?

youuuuu scared!

  [] World famous rap superstar Soulja Boy looked like your average scared 21-year-old  when he stepped in front of the judge in his pot possession case yesterday.  TMZ broke the story ... Soulja and four other men were arrested in Temple, GA after cops say they found more than five ounces of weed, $46,000 in cash, and a gun in their SUV. Soulja -- who swears he's innocent -- has been released from custody after posting $10k bond. Soulja, go to church.

May Anderson Leaked Photos

check out the naked pics here:

Addicted to porn

OCTOBER 7–A Minnesota teenager arrested for burglarizing a neighbor’s home told cops that she sought to steal cash and household items to help pay for her pornography addiction, according to a police report. Amanda Owens, 18, was nabbed this week for allegedly squeezing through the doggy door to get into Darin Pake’s home in East Bethel. Pake told Anoka County Sheriff’s Office deputies that he set up a hidden camera after his home had been burglarized several times last week. On Monday, the camera recorded Owens slipping into Pake’s home around 8 AM. “The defendant is seen walking throughout the house, rummaging through Mr. Pake’s things,” according to a probable cause statement. When questioned by investigators, Owens reportedly copped to entering Pake’s home on several occasions (via the doggy door) and stealing a jar of money and a camera, which she planned to pawn. The teenager, deputies noted, “stated she is addicted to pornography and purchased 20 to 30 DVD’s and owed money, t...

4Head Tat

[] Arrested for aggravated assault. That's the sweetest tattoo ever. I wonder if she went with Iron Mike when he got his?