"Someone once told me that perception is reality. That if a lie reachs enough people, eventually it becomes the truth. Throughout my life, such instances have shaped me, both for better and for worse. As my time as a Hawkeye nears its end, it seems I am at a crossroads, staring down a similar situation. Over the years, various outlets have painted a picture that doesn't quite match the production. Time and again, I have been depicted as an individual more interested in making headlines, than highlights. As someone who prefers style over substance. A person who would rather prepare for media days than two-a-days. Thousands have been convinced that I am all showboat and no sacrifice. Allow me to set the record straight. I am on a mission to go from the doghouse to the penthouse - determined to show our fans that there is no "DJK" in "team", and that I am well aware of that fact. At Iowa, the success of our group far exceeds the importance of individual acco...