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Showing posts from September, 2010


ET reports that Kutcher’s company  has agreed to produce a CBS comedy based on the Twitter account  @ShhDontTellSteve , where a guy secretly tweets about what his roommate Steve is doing. Hey Asston, why don't you just admit you slayed that chick? C'mon everyone has a mistress these days. ...anyway these lame CBS twitter shows will be one and done. @shitmydadsays is predictable. It only matters what William Shitface says.

ROCK 108 Presents


In Case You Didn't Know..

Arizona is full of people who didn't get enough attention as little kids because their dads were too busy being Santa at the mall.   Stay classy AZ.

What am I supposed to do with these?

  Seriously, it'd be like going to a Justin Bieber show. Oh well, at least everything is free while I'm there. 
Have a clean dream?

"The Spo Co is full of popular dudes"

"RT @kevinwildes (producer for SPORTSNATION) - @sportsguy33 (host for the BS Report on must be filled with popular dudes " Yeah, the ones that still talk about "the game" years ago from high school and that waste $20 punching a bag that hangs.


Huh?  You know you didn't win the BCS National Championship, right? What is the point? Jeez, act like you've won before.

Cya CyHawk...It's time

The Cy-Hawk Series is under contract to continue through 2017, but the Big Ten and Big 12 could make scheduling a trickier proposition when the leagues go to nine-game conference schedules. Iowa athletics director Gary Barta and Iowa State’s Jamie Pollard have both expressed a desire to keep the series going. But they also want the revenue that comes with a seventh home game each season and they could be handcuffed by conference scheduling issues. Like Iowa has the balls to schedule a better opponent than Iowa State. I don't know why Iowa doesn't schedule better games instead of playing all these weak teams that never do sh*t their whole season anyway. So what does Iowa really get out of it? A boring ass game that doesn't help them at all as far as the BCS goes. C'mon, the orange bowl? Who cares, get a National Championship already. So I guess keep waiting and enjoy these lame games that are over by halftime.

Think Again

"Inconsolable" Really? Backstreet Boys aren't cool anymore. Nice job, Hawkeye fans.

Who are you Beating?

 Hey Hawkeye fans have any better ideas?  Let me know.

Touch your Toes

A Davenport man who tried to hide crack cocaine in his buttocks has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Police said they discovered he had 13.4 grams of crack cocaine concealed in his buttocks in two separate plastic bags.  He pleaded guilty to a controlled substance violation and was sentenced Friday.  A person cooperating with the investigation called Gibson on his cell phone and ordered $100 worth of crack cocaine, police said. Officers were on foot conducting surveillance when one officer walked near the front of Gibson’s residence, according to police. Gibson tried to get the officer to approach the front door by calling him. Officers saw Gibson waving his hands over his head at the front of the residence in an effort to get the attention of the cooperating person. Tactical officers approached the defendant on foot and identified themselves as police officers, police reports stated. They saw Gibson throw something in the front yard before they grabbed him by his arms....

Going back to the future in Iowa City

Such a sweet ride. But nothing compares to this.

DJK, MLK style.

"Someone once told me that perception is reality. That if a lie reachs enough people, eventually it becomes the truth. Throughout my life, such instances have shaped me, both for better and for worse. As my time as a Hawkeye nears its end, it seems I am at a crossroads, staring down a similar situation. Over the years, various outlets have painted a picture that doesn't quite match the production. Time and again, I have been depicted as an individual more interested in making headlines, than highlights. As someone who prefers style over substance. A person who would rather prepare for media days than two-a-days. Thousands have been convinced that I am all showboat and no sacrifice. Allow me to set the record straight. I am on a mission to go from the doghouse to the penthouse - determined to show our fans that there is no "DJK" in "team", and that I am well aware of that fact. At Iowa, the success of our group far exceeds the importance of individual acco...

Iowa Hawkeyes: built Koeppel tough

If Koeppel was a running back, he'd set the record for breaking tackles. Just sayin'.

Guess Today's Charge?

Polk County,Iowa a) Possession of Marijuana b) Public Intoxication c) Probation Violation

Stanzi 4 the Heizi

Ricky Stanzi > Chuck Norris Stanzi 4 Heisman ***Update: Ricky Stanzi < Chuck Norris You can't be a "veteran" but also "inexperienced" at the same time.    CLICK HERE