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Chris Brown has some screws loose. Surprised?

Chris Brown has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, severe insomnia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to new court documents. Mr. Brown was in court today for a "progress hearing" in the 'beat the shit out of Rihanna case.' The documents that claimed his diagnosis were filed by the facility where Chris Breezy completed 90+ days of anger management therapy. "In the legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- an official from the rehab facility wrote that ... in addition to his diagnosis ... Chris was self-medicating inappropriately." "The facility writes, "Mr. Brown became aggressive and acted out physically due to his untreated mental health disorder, severe sleep deprivation, inappropriate self-medicating and untreated PTSD." They never explain the cause of the PTSD. The letter also says Chris was diagnosed with Bipolar II." The letter says Chris is on meds for the bipolar and other conditions."-TMZ Really? S...

Kim Kardashian, Stop Playin'!

Kim Kardashian before butt implants .. Kim Kardashian after butt implants .. I don't know how else your ass could GROW LIKE THAT?!?

The HodgeTwin's reaction to Michael Sam's Boner!

The Hodge Twins share their opinions about the recent "Boner" Michael Sam had at the NFL Combine earlier this week. Call it whatever you want to call it, next time tape that shit down on your thigh.  Seriously. 

Jeremy Bieber is leaving his Baby's Momma! (Justin Bieber)

Is anyone surprised?  Is anyone surprised this guy (Jeremy Bieber) is calling it quits with his wife of seven years to go smoke weed and party  take care of his son, Justin?  Of course you're not.  I'm not either.  Think about it, you can travel the world and fuck random girls  see the world while your seed is growing. It's a win win for both of them.  Obviously Jeremy is a 18 year old living in a 39 year old's body.   Glad to see he's taking responsibility, looking over his son and helping him make right decisions in life. You go Jeremy Bieber.

Justin Timberlake cancelled his show. Is this why?

Justin Timberlake cancelled his NYC show last night due to "health problems."   Here's what he said: "Hey NY. There is never an easy way to do this... Unfortunately, I have to postpone tonight's show to Friday due to health reasons.  I am truly sorry to everyone that have tickets for tonight. It kills me to have to do this. I hope to see you all on Friday. --JT"  But it could be for other reasons?  Other reasons that have been rumored about before?  Pregnancy rumors and troubles between him and his wife, Jessica Biel.  His own Grandma has even gone on record stating the two needed time together and their marriage is 'hard going.' Time will only tell if he really did have "health problems" or there is a breakup coming in the near future!

Kate Upton is still in SI Swimsuit Edition?!

Alright fellas, ladies and lesbians.  Take away every image stuck in your brain of Kate Upton's boobs.  Forget every slow motion video you've ever seen of Kate Upton dancing or walking down the cat walk.  What do we have left? This.  This is what we have left.  This face.  Now, do you still think she's hot?  Does she still stay in the spank bank?  I don't think so.  Not at all.   I'd rather rub one off looking at vegetables.  

Farrah Abraham Lie Detector Test Update!

So remember my last post about this?  Where Farrah Abraham was offered $1 Million by the CEO of Vivid ( The company that made her porno) to take a lie detector test regarding her claims she was drugged and rape?  Well has learned Miss Abraham has declined the $1 Million offer and instead will continue to make other claims to whatever radio/TV station that will put a camera in her face. Is anyone surprised she passed on the lie detector test? You know, the test that show if you're LYING or not?  Good Luck, Farrah.  In a few months you won't be mentioned anywhere.  That is unless, you make yet another porn!  Who the f*ck wants to see those roast beef lips again? Not me.